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Vitiligo treatment Data: Author:admin Source:本站 Clicks:1738


"Vitiligo treatment" is edited by Cheng Aihua, a researcher of vitiligo in Huahai Vitiligo Hospital. Vitiligo is a localized white patch that appears in the skin, and then gradually expands into a major clinical manifestation of skin disease. The cause is unknown, and the diagnosis is difficult to treat. Although it is not painful, it erodes the healthy skin and mind of the patient and seriously damages people. The appearance, the spirit of the person, affects his normal life, marriage, work and social. With the accelerated pace of social life, as well as diet, the environment. The change of various factors such as climate has promoted the incidence of vitiligo to increase year by year. Overcoming vitiligo has become one of the common goals of the medical community at home and abroad.

"Vitiligo treatment" combined with the author's decades of research results and clinical diagnosis and treatment experience, in line with the principles of integration of Chinese and Western medicine, clinical use, doctors and patients, comprehensively describes the pathogeny of epidemiology, epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, Clinical manifestations, medical history collection, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, Chinese and Western medicine treatment, black and white treatment of vitiligo new technology, prevention and conditioning, etc., focusing on the collection, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of vitiligo, Chinese and Western medicine treatment and other vitiligo diagnosis and treatment of key points, difficulties, The hot issue lists the current authoritative vitiligo Chinese and Western medicine treatment programs (guidelines) and clinical pathways. In the treatment of vitiligo in traditional Chinese medicine, it comprehensively rules the treatment of the machine, highlighting the experience of famous doctors in traditional Chinese medicine, the analysis of medical cases, the selection of ancient books related to vitiligo, and the treatment of vitiligo with black and white. A systematic review of new methods for the diagnosis of vitiligo, examination of new technologies, treatment of new drugs, and prevention of new concepts has been conducted.

In the process of writing this book, the book strives for practicality, comprehensiveness and operability. It refers to the works or papers of many scholars at home and abroad. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks. For the deficiencies or errors in the book, experts, peers and readers are urged to criticize and correct.


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Disclaimer: Some of the information of vitiligo teatment on this website comes from the Internet for reference only. It cannot be used as the basis for diagnosis and medical treatment. If there is any reprinted or cited article involving copyright issues, please contact us!
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