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Clinical Analysis of Moxibustion Combined with Huoxue Qufeng Granule in Treating Vitiligo

   Vitiligo, also known as "white barge wind", is a common pigment-deficiency sk...

Clinical Observation on Treatment of Vitiligo with Cupping Combined with Huoxue Qufeng Granule

    【Abstract】Objective: To observe the curative effect of cupping combined with oral admi...

Study on the pathogenesis of vitiligo

【Abstract】 Vitiligo is a common skin pigmentation disease, and the molecular mechanism of melanocyte...

Psychological investigation and analysis of nursing care for patients with vitiligo

   [ Abstract ] Objective To understand the psychological state of patients with vitiligo ...

Psychological investigation and nursing measures for patients with vitiligo

     Vitiligo is closely related to the patient's psychological state. Although v...

Therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture combined with melanin regeneration solution on 137 cases of

   【Abstract】Objective: To observe the efficacy of electroacupuncture combined with melani...


     [摘要]目的:了解白癜風(fēng)患者的心理狀態(tài),并分析護(hù)理效果。方法:采用個別交談及書面問卷調(diào)查方法,使用統(tǒng)一指導(dǎo)語,讓調(diào)查對象在幫助下完成問卷的填寫。結(jié)果: 116例...

Clinical Analysis of Moxibusti

   Vitiligo, also known as "white barge wind", is a common pigment-deficiency sk...

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