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Little full of solar terms, what are the health precautions?

Xiaoman is one of the twenty-four solar terms and the second solar term in summer. Xiaoman – the mea

Huahai Vitiligo Hospital warmly celebrates 5?12 International Nurses Day

On May 11th, in order to welcome the arrival of the 108th International Nurses Day, Huahai Vitiligo

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    首屆海峽兩岸(濱州)護理高峰論壇專家到華海白癜風醫院考察參觀 7月7日下午,參加首屆海峽兩岸(濱州)護理高峰論壇的領導和專家一行50多人到華海白癜風醫院考察參觀。

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