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Head and face vitiligo treatment technology 日期: 作者:admin 來源:本站 訪問:1336



Due to the special position of the head and face, this part is exposed to sunlight for a long time, and the superabsorbing ability of melanocytes makes the oxidative stress in melanocytes become larger, melanocytes undergo apoptosis, and white spots are produced. The technology selects the anti-oxidation prescription, and the traditional Chinese medicine and photon which regulate the growth factor, penetrates into the middle of the hair follicle, causes the hair follicle stem cells at the outer root sheath of the hair follicle to proliferate and migrate long distance, and enriches into the white spot area, so that the white spot is restored. .

First, the cause of vitiligo in the head

Due to the special position of the face and head, this part is exposed to the sun for a long time, and it is exposed to ultraviolet light. The superabsorbing ability of melanocytes in the face and head makes the oxidative stress in melanocytes become larger, melanin. Cells undergo apoptosis and white spots are produced. And cause disfiguring damage, causing tremendous pain and mental stress to the patient.

Second, facial head vitiligo treatment principle

The treatment technique of vitiligo in the head of Huahai Vitiligo Hospital mainly selects the anti-oxidation prescription and the traditional Chinese medicine and photon which regulate the growth factor, and penetrates into the middle part of the hair follicle to cause the hair follicle stem cells in the outer root sheath of the hair follicle to divide and proliferate and migrate to the periphery. Migration, and finally enriched into the white spot area, so that the white spot area gradually returns to normal skin color.

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