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Psychological investigation and nursing measures for patients with vitiligo 日期: 作者:admin 來源:本站 訪問:1835



  Vitiligo is closely related to the patient's psychological state. Although vitiligo rarely causes physical pain or is directly life-threatening to patients, it causes serious psychological problems such as fear, anxiety and depression due to beauty problems and social pressure. There are even suicidal thoughts. Patients often have obvious inferiority, social difficulties, feeling shy, irritated, and afraid of being talked about. There is a general lack of knowledge about vitiligo science, and it is believed that vitiligo can be transmitted, so that the quality of life of patients is affected, and it is often difficult to treat and treat diseases correctly. The mental factor is one of the causes of many vitiligo patients. The psychological state caused by the onset of vitiligo can make the white spot develop or aggravate.

The modern medical model has been transformed into a bio-society-psychological-behavioral model. The role of psychological factors in the occurrence and development of diseases is receiving increasing attention. At the same time, people's health care and beauty levels are constantly improving, and the psychological factors of vitiligo will be increasingly affected. Pay attention to it. It can be considered that the psychological impact of vitiligo on patients is far greater than the skin lesion itself. Therefore, the care of vitiligo, especially psychological care is particularly important.

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