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Therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture combined with melanin regeneration solution on 137 cases of 日期: 作者:admin 來源:本站 訪問:1717



【Abstract】Objective: To observe the efficacy of electroacupuncture combined with melanin regeneration solution in the treatment of vitiligo. Methods: A total of 137 patients were randomly divided into study group and control group. 71 patients in the study group were treated with melanin regeneration solution, and 66 patients in the control group were treated with electroacupuncture alone. Conclusion: Electroacupuncture combined with oral administration of melanin regeneration solution can significantly improve the efficacy of vitiligo, which is a simple and effective method for clinical treatment of vitiligo.

[Key words] electroacupuncture; melanin regenerating fluid; vitiligo; curative effect

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Vitiligo is a primary localized or generalized pigmentation disorder of the skin and mucous membranes. The clinical manifestations are white skin lesions with irregular shapes, different sizes, and clear boundaries. All ages are good, and young people are more common. Vitiligo can occur in any part of the body, with the head, neck, back of the hand and external genitalia being more common. Western medicine has many common treatment methods, but the effect is poor. Because of the numerous dialectical theories and rich treatment methods, traditional Chinese medicine doctors have their own unique syndrome differentiation and corresponding treatment methods. The purpose is to control the development of skin lesions and promote the leukoplakia color. In recent years, electroacupuncture therapy has received increasing attention. Our hospital uses electroacupuncture combined with oral melanin regeneration solution to achieve a more significant effect. The report is as follows.

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