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Vitiligo prevention 日期: 作者:admin 來源:本站 訪問:1393


  Vitiligo is a skin disease characterized by "white skin patches with localized skin and then gradually spread and spread". The cause is unknown, easy to diagnose and refractory. Although it is not itchy, it seriously affects the physical and mental health of patients and affects the normal condition of patients. Life, marriage, work, and socializing are called "immortal cancer." Therefore, the pathogenesis, early diagnosis and prevention of vitiligo is a major issue that needs to be solved urgently in the modern medical community, and has received widespread attention from the majority of bed medical workers and researchers. In recent years, countries have successively issued guidelines for the prevention and treatment of vitiligo, and many new concepts and new developments have been made in the clinical and basic research of vitiligo. Therefore, it is necessary to write an academic monograph on the latest understanding of vitiligo, especially the prevention and treatment of vitiligo, for medical staff and patients in related fields. The author of this book has been engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of vitiligo basic research beds for a long time, and has accumulated a large number of bed materials and research results. This book refers to the latest literature at home and abroad, combined with the author's extensive research work, fully expounds the basic understanding of the basic and clinical aspects of vitiligo, highlights the new rationale, new technology and new methods of vitiligo prevention and control, and pays attention to theory and practice. Closely combined, mainly including related knowledge, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, etiology and pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of Chinese and Western medicine, nutritional foraging, mental support health education and nursing policy. We hope to improve the prevention and control of vitiligo by publishing this monograph for the promotion of vitiligo to prevent new knowledge. This book has been supported by many experts and colleagues in the process of writing. With reference to the contents of many scholars, I would like to express my sincere gratitude. Because the content of this book is more extensive, and the research on vitiligo is progressing rapidly, such as finding inadequacies in reading, experts, peers and readers should be criticized and corrected.


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