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Control white spot development technology Data: Author:admin Source:本站 Clicks:1681



Active vitiligo, Langerhans cells ingest a large amount of melanocyte antigens, resulting in the body to produce autoantibodies and specific cytotoxic T cells, so that lesions continue to expand; melanocytes at the edge of lesions express antigen, and intercellular adhesion molecules Increased expression; IgG anti-melanocyte antibodies can also stimulate antigen production and adhesion molecule expression, so that melanocytes are more and more severely damaged and continue to die, the area of white spots is growing, and it is spreading.

Huahai Vitiligo Hospital's "Black and White Tongzhi" technology selects the characteristic Chinese medicine that regulates immune function, which can change the structure, quantity and function of Langerhans cells, so that its antigen presentation ability is reduced, the immune system can not send an activation signal; The component can also cause apoptosis of T cells; it can also induce antigen-specific inhibitory lymphocyte production and cause immunosuppression, so that immune dysfunction can be restored, thereby achieving the purpose of controlling the development of white spots.

Understanding these may be helpful for your visit.
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