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Hand vitiligo treatment technology Data: Author:admin Source:本站 Clicks:2127



When the hand moves, it is often subjected to friction or impact; or the hands are often exposed to various chemicals, and the hands are often exposed to viruses and bacteria, which can cause melanocytes to be damaged and their antigens exposed, which in turn leads to death and death. , white spots appear. The hand is at the end of the limb, the skin is less fleshy, the circulation is disordered, the blood supply is less, and the growth of melanocytes is not active; in addition, there is no hair, and the source of melanocytes is limited.

The "black and white treatment" technology selects Chinese medicines that improve microcirculation and integrates the supply of exogenous melanocytes. The melanin stem cells are activated and proliferated and adopt special fixation technology to make the melanin stem cells grow in the hand and keratinocytes to form a certain epidermal melanin unit, and jointly complete the production and transportation of melanin to make the white spots complex.

First, the cause of hand vitiligo

The participation of the hands required for the completion of any exercise, hands are not only often subject to friction or impact; often exposed to a variety of chemical irritants and viruses, bacteria, etc., these factors may cause local skin damage, and thus black The cells are damaged and their antigens are exposed, which in turn leads to death and causes white spots on the skin.

Second, the principle of hand vitiligo treatment

The hand is at the end of the limb, the skin is less fleshy, the circulation is disordered, the blood supply is less, and the growth of melanocytes is not active; in addition, the number of hair follicles is small, and the source of melanocytes is limited. After the appearance of white spots, it is often difficult to repair. Hand vitiligo treatment technology, select Chinese medicine to improve microcirculation and integrate the supply of mesodermal stem cells. The melanin stem cells are activated and proliferated and adopt special fixation technology to make the melanin stem cells grow in the hand and keratinocytes to form a certain epidermal melanin unit, and jointly complete the production and transportation of melanin, and finally achieve the white spot complex color. purpose. Huahai Vitiligo Hospital experts reminded that hand vitiligo treatment technology is now free trial and treatment in the country, the top 50 per month, 400-6567-178, 20 years of focus on 100,000 patients witness.

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